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Human Resources Values

People are the most valuable resource. They are the primary means by which 3M goals and objectives will be attained. 3M management, therefore, believes that it is essential to provide an organizational structure and a work climate which:

Respect the dignity and worth of individuals, by encouraging their highest level of performance in a fair, challenging, objective and cooperative work environment. Individual rights are respected. Timely and open communication to and from employees is encouraged. Supervisors and managers are accountable for the performance and development of the employees assigned to them.

Encourage the initiative of each employee by providing both direction and the freedom to work creatively. Risk taking and innovation are requirements for growth. Both are to be encouraged and supported in an atmosphere of integrity and mutual respect.

Challenge individual capabilities through proper placement, orientation and development. Responsibility for development is shared by the employees, by supervisors and managers, and by the Company.

Provide equal opportunity for development and equitably reward good performance. Performance is evaluated against objective, job-related criteria and rewarded with appropriate recognition and compensation.

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